When Pricing Fuel, Use Numbers to Your Advantage

We know the pricing game all too well. Gas stations and auto dealerships have conditioned us to react to pricing of a product or service by offering a perception of a good deal.

In the FBO fuel pricing arena, we tend to play the same game.

In a previous blog post, FBO Fuel Pricing: Seeking a Silver Bullet, we discussed some pricing theory and came up with some ideas to find the silver bullet — which is the best price.

In the FBO business today, some customers call ahead for fuel prices, seek to use contract fuel suppliers and try to negotiate when they arrive on your ramp. We would like our customers to believe that our prices are well thought out and not just some arbitrary posted numbers.

Knowing how customers interpret numbers can help your FBO make stronger pricing decisions. What we would like to discuss here are some thoughts that go through people’s minds when they are looking to purchase.

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