Banyan Celebrates National AMT Day

Banyan celebrated its third annual AMT Day on May 22 in honor of their maintenance and avionics technicians. Dave Valenta, Banyan’s director of maintenance and Lou Homsher, Banyan’s quality assurance manager, organized the luncheon event.

Lou Homsher addressed the group and spoke about the culture of Banyan and how teammate opinions and ideas are listened to and incorporated when feasible. Followed by Banyan’s CFO, Jim Barcel, “AMT Day is an important day at Banyan because we honor your achievements and safety record. As a technician, you have the ability to affect the lives of others. Therefore, safety always has to be in the forefront of your minds. This is a tremendous responsibility and one that each of you has accepted with dedication and professionalism. Thank you for the excellent work and your commitment to safety.”

The official day for AMT Day is May 24, but Banyan celebrated early due to the date failing on the weekend. The day originated as a tribute to the first Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT), Charles E. Taylor, who built Orville and Wilbur Wright’s engine. However, since 2002, AMT day has grown in scope and recognition with more and more aviation companies acknowledging it. For more information, visit,

Banyan located at Ft. Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE), employs 60 maintenance and avionics technicians and has a total of 150 teammates company-wide. Banyan’s technical departments offer comprehensive aircraft maintenance services, including heavy airframe maintenance and engine maintenance, structural repairs and modifications, avionics installations and support, interior refurbishment, exterior painting, and part sales and distribution. Banyan’s maintenance facility specializes in King Air, Citation, Pilatus, and Learjet inspections and modifications. Banyan Air Service is an FAA and EASA approved repair station and holds Argentine, Brazilian and Venezuelan government maintenance approvals. The company also offers, FBO and ground services, aircraft sales and management, Hangar63 (Banyan’s Aviation Store) and (on-line store and catalog division.) For more information about Banyan, visit