myFLIGHTDATA Automates FAA Paperwork

Unless you’re an airline or large charter operator with your own IT department, most likely you complete FAA paperwork by filling out forms. Air Carrier Compliance Group Inc. helps operators find their way through the FAA certification paperwork for Part 135 certifications. With the need for an affordable system to help with the paperwork, ACCG owner Ray Shinneman partnered with Ron Dexheimer, a Kansas City entrepreneur, and formed myFLIGHTDATA. The goal was to make a system as automated as possible and as simple as possible to use, while maintaining at least the standards of Federal Aviation Regulations. It was decided early on that a good automated FAA record keeping system prompts users for the information, alerts users to deficiencies on compliance and increases accuracy. As a result, the myFLIGHTDATA system became an automated, state-of-the-art, user-friendly record keeping and flight tracking system for pilots, aircraft owners and operators.
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