National Jets: Independent FBO Provides Unbranded Fuel and More Fuel Program, Payment Choices


National Jets, an independent FBO at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport, has extended its independent streak by becoming an unbranded fuel dealer.

“It means more choices for our customers with the same award-winning service and high quality that guests have relied on for so many years,” Sam Robbins, CEO, says. “Now customers can choose which fuel program and form of payment best fits their needs.”

National Jets has honed its FBO, maintenance, charter and air ambulance services over 70 years in the FBO and charter industry. With these comprehensive lines of business, the team at National Jets is able to help with a wide range of business aircraft needs from quick turns and beyond.

Read its list of accolades for evidence. Over the last decade-plus, National Jets has been consistently ranked among top FBOs — independent, across North America, or locally in Florida or Fort Lauderdale.

The busy FBO provides South Florida travelers with a modern, warm environment. Crews will find a spacious lobby, warm pilots lounge, conference room and snooze room with a private shower.

National Jets is also proud to be the launch partner this year for X1 FBO – the industry’s latest & most advanced operations software to hit the market.

“X1 provides not only a collaborative and modern work environment for our guest services and line tech teams; but also provides management with a versatile tool to handle the needs of our customers in the future,” Christopher Salley, FBO/CFR 145 sales and marketing manager, says.

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