Rectrix Spreads Wings At Sarasota With APP Purchase

Rectrix is in the midst of a growth spurt, having purchased fellow Massachusetts-based aviation services and maintenance provider AirFlyte in January.

With the latest acquisition, Rectrix Aerodrome Center Sarasota now encompasses 24 acres with more than 180,000 sq ft of hangars and passenger service areas. The addition also allows the FBO to service up to four aircraft at a time, with space to accommodate another 60 aircraft.

With the expanded space now available at Sarasota, the company plans to open a Southern satellite AirFlyte maintenance department. “The acquisition represents a strategic initiative that will allow Rectrix to enhance its operations at Sarasota,” said company executive chairman Thomas Russell. “The result will be added customer benefits, including expanded maintenance.”

Rectrix was also recently awarded a contract by the Massachusetts Port Authority to develop new FBOs at Worcester Regional Airport and Hanscom Field. It currently operates five FBOs in Massachusetts and Florida, as well as its Cape Cod Air subsidiary.