IBAC Announces Appointment of New Director General

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) is pleased to welcome Kurt Edwards, who was appointed by the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) on Sept. 7 as its new director general. IBAC is the international non-governmental organization (INGO) that represents the interests of business aviation operators from around the world in international forums, primarily ICAO (the International Civil Aviation Organization).

IBAC’s members, including NBAA, are national and regional associations that work together to coordinate global policies and positions for the business aviation community and to represent the community in international rule-making and policy-making work. IBAC’s principal office is located in Montreal, Canada, in the headquarters building of ICAO.

“Mr. Edwards brings to the organization substantial experience in international aviation issues," said IBAC Chairman Peter Gatz. "Previous to coming to IBAC, Mr. Edwards served in high-level capacities with the International Affairs and Environment Offices of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He also led FAA outreach efforts while based in Brussels and Paris, as well as at ICAO on environmental matters.”

Edwards commences duty with IBAC effective immediately. He replaces Donald Spruston, the previous director general who served from 1999 to the present. Spruston announced last year his intent to step down. Since that time the IBAC board has conducted a comprehensive global search to find a new director general with the capability of continuing the development of business aviation policies and interests on issues such as safety, security, air traffic management and the environment.

For more information, contact the IBAC director general at (514) 954-8054 or dg@ibac.org. Visit the IBAC web site at www.ibac.org.