Colt Releases Compliance Solution for Charter Operators

Colt International, one of aviation’s leading providers of contract fuel and trip support services, announced that it now offers a turnkey solution for operators needing a secure, easy-to-use platform for FAA compliant record keeping and management.

The only solution of its kind, the software will significantly reduce the time and resources flight departments must invest into ensuring compliance. “Our user-friendly interface makes it effortless for charter operators to guarantee 100% FAR 135.63 compliance with no FAA or POI approval required,” said Colt International President, Malcolm Hawkins. “Operators can electronically store and access pilot records, manuals, flight/duty records, aircraft status, load manifests, and much more from any computer, smartphone, or iPad. Built-in alerts will notify management when pilots or aircraft have upcoming currency issues.”

“Our research shows that our solution will reduce the administrative time operators waste on compliance by more than 75%,” Hawkins continued, “Importantly, it also builds in transparency with the FAA and reduces the need for on-site audits.”

Hawkins said the software, powered by FCS, was built with the same encryption protocols used by banks and financial institutions to guarantee complete security.

For more information, contact your Colt International account manager at (800) 626-0577 or visit