Airports with Most Active Runways in AC-U-KWIK

What airport in AC-U-KWIK currently has the most active runways? And why do you only list the longest runway at each airport in your data?

Traditionally, AC-U-KWIK data has only listed the longest runway at each airport. While planning a flight, it is important to quickly assess if an airport will not only meet the trip’s geographic requirements, but if it will be large enough to accommodate the aircraft. By looking at longest runway, top three instrument approaches available, runway lighting intensity, and fuel availability, a pilot/scheduler/dispatcher can instantly determine if an airport will suit the mission requirements.

Currently, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (KDFW) and Chicago O’Hare International Airport (KORD) are tied, both employing seven active runways. O’Hare has recently had as many as nine, but two of them have been reassigned as taxiways in compliance with the OMP (O’Hare Modernization Plan). It will return to having eight active runways with the completion of 9C/27C in 2020.