Tech Support Update: IOS Mobile App Access Workaround

Although we have recovered our AC-U-KWIK (partial) and (100%) websites, our iOS mobile app is still suffering from access issues related the hardware outage that occurred at our server hosting vendor last week. The outage affected dozens of our company websites. Although our technology team is working around the clock with the hosting company, the recovery efforts are ongoing. Unfortunately, we do not have a time frame for when the app will be fully functional again.

For some users, a workaround has been to put your device in airplane mode and then start the app. Be sure to shut down the AC-U-KWIK app completely before trying this.

On behalf of our editorial staff and the AC-U-KWIK team, I apologize for this ongoing issue. We will provide updates as available.

Dylan Goodwin |
Director of Business, AC-U-KWIK